Welcome to HeartCare@Home Project
Piloting a Novel, Scalable, eHealth Technology for Controlling and Managing Elevated Blood Pressure in Rwanda.
To strengthen the College of Medicine and Health Sciences (CMHS) at the University of Rwanda (UR) to conduct research on a pilot project testing an innovative eHealth technology (HeartCare@Home system) to support the control and management of hypertension in outpatient non-communicable disease (NCDs) clinics in Rwanda.

CHW visit patients at home to take their BP measurements
The final decision is made at the hospital
To be filled

“HeartCare@Home Project and App:
Rwanda home-grown e-Health Technology”
Prof. Marc Twagirumukiza
Flemish Promoter
Professor of Medicine: Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Gent University, Belgium
Introducing HeartCare@Home
HeartCare@Home is an innovative technology transforming home-based blood pressure monitoring and seamlessly connecting patients with their physicians through an easy-to-use mobile app.
Born from the groundbreaking research project, “Piloting a Novel, Scalable eHealth Technology for Managing Elevated Blood Pressure in Rwanda,” HeartCare@Home is a pioneering initiative in Rwanda. It brings together multiple stakeholders, including Ghent University in Belgium, the Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC), and the University of Rwanda’s College of Medicine and Health Sciences & CEBE. This project is funded by a research grant from VLIR-UOS (Vlaams Interuniversitair Raad – Universitaire Ontwikkelingssamenwerking, i.e Flemish Interuniversity Council, University Development Cooperation).
Traditionally, physicians have relied on in-office vital data to treat hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. However, blood pressure can fluctuate throughout the days, making it difficult to fully understand a patient’s condition and assess treatment effectiveness based solely on office visits scheduled on months period. Frequent monitoring, especially in remote or underserved areas, as well as in vurnerable populations poses significant challenges.
To address this, HeartCare@Home piloted an affordable, home-grown eHealth technology that enables patients to easily and efficiently share their home blood pressure data with their physicians, facilitating early detection and more effective treatment. But HeartCare@Home is much more than just remote monitoring -It integrates the physician portal as well with data live visualisation and abnormal data automatic signals, and others services.
Stay tuned to our website for more information!
Sampling Strategy
This study will use a systematic sampling method, including all patients attending the NCDs clinics, meeting the inclusion criteria given below
Aged between 45 and 65
Previously diagnosed with hypertension
Willingness to participate
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